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IO 3

Pilot of Validating appreciative

The third IO will represents the true-objectification of ASK4JOB pathway, which means the collection of evidences and appreciative references in support of the recognition of the learning outcomes. It will be tested on a sample of 200 users in the whole consortium. The pathway’s validity and functionality will be assessed through feedback questionnaires. The pilot will be attended by at least 20 low-skilled adults (inactive in the last 2 years) per each partner’s country; it envisage their enjoyment of the MOOC and their attendance at capabilities laboratories in accordance to the SASS results. Those laboratories - 5 per partner’s country – will be devoted at the 5 thematic areas of the DIGCOMP 2.0. and they will constitute the strategic steps towards the recognition of learning outcomes.  


At the end of the path, each beneficiary with the support of a coach will be encouraged to reflect in order to identify the most useful results for the job-seeking purpose, by filling a “form of learning outcomes appreciation”. There will be required an appreciative evaluation per each dimension and areas of the DIGCOMP 2.0 effectively attended by users during the individualised pathway. It will underline the digital and cognitive competences object of enhancement and also considered as the most useful for job seeking purposes. During the laboratories, the coach will endeavour to foster the user’s self-recognition of acquired competences as well as the awareness of the modes of learning and their actual utilisation. The ultimate purpose of the laboratories will be then the “full-awareness” of users about the learning outcomes and about the fact that those newly acquired competences are finally at their potential accessibility to live and work.     


Elements of innovation.  The innovative feature of ASK4JOB is its methodology for the confirmation of the learning outcomes, which is aimed at the recognition of the acquired competences through the appreciative evaluation, applied to long-term unemployed low-skilled adults. Such evaluation will be based on the perception on the value of the new learning - esteemed by the users themselves - for job seeking purpose, as well as on the user’s capability of discuss the potential use of each new expertise (linguistic property) for exercising the digital citizenship rights to live, learn and participate in the modern society. Laboratories, indeed, are aimed at shading a light and developing the user’s capabilitization, meant as full-awareness of the acquired competences their usability at work. Therefore, this capabilitization become - through the form of learning outcomes appreciation – the objective evidence of the successfully acquired learning outcomes for recognition purpose (Declarative Methodology). The Form of Appreciation will be object of an interview (individual or group one), conducted by the coach/certificatory, that will bring to the recognition of the acquired competences. The learning experience will be then transferred within the individual user’s portfolio and recognised through a declaration undersigned by the coach that conducted the laboratories and the interviews. Such a declaration of the newly acquired competences will be a kind of open badge certificate that will allow users participants to share their obtained results online, on social networks, on the digital CV. A badge is symbol (or indicator) of an achieved objective, a skill or competence; thus, the objective of the digital badge is to track the record of the achieved objectives and show them to interest community. Visually speaking, it will be an image or quality brand that represent the competence and the institution committed to its recognition. It has the added-value of collecting all the information (metadata) related to the individual pathway in itself. The information will be uploaded into an open source platform and will be available for reading through specific open source software and tool. 


Potential Transferability The final result of this IO will be the development of a procedural manual for the recognition of the newly acquired learning outcomes, through the capability laboratory. This manual will be the tool to ensure replicability and transferability at European level. It will be promoted through adult education providers, as well as employment services (both public and private) with the specific objective of reaching during the project lifetime at least 500 users, professionals and organisations. Thanks to this IO and to the satisfaction questionnaires administered to users, will be drawn also the revised versions of the instructions for the exploitation of A-MOOC and related Capability Laboratory. Those tools will be then disseminated all around the consortium networks and, particularly, within telecentre-europe network, which – thank to its leading role – can easily reach 59 organisations working in specifically in this field.





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