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About us

The goal of project REVaLUE is to enhance the labor inclusion of refugees, subsidiary protection holders and asylum seekers by improving their access to skilled jobs.


The corrective action of REVaLUE will strive to tackle all major causes that prevent refugees’ labour integration, namely:

– lack of recognition of knowledge, competence and skills, including previous studies;

– deskilling;

– lack of working experience in the host country;

– language.


Through a solid partnership, made of a combination of VET providers and migrant associations based in Italy, France, Germany, UK and Hungary, the project will:


  1. facilitate the recognition of formal, non-formal and informal knowledge, competences and skills of refugees/subsidiary protection holders/asylum seekers through the design and implementation of a toolkit for migrants’ skills assessment;

  2. transfer new highly qualifying skills to refugees/subsidiary protection holders/asylum seekers through tailored VET courses, one for “Migrant Service Providers” and another for “Social Enterprise Manager”, that meet their specific learning needs and characteristics, in particular the language;

  3. provide refugees/subsidiary protection holders/asylum seekers with hands-on experience through the creation and implementation of work-based laboratories.


The target group of project REVaLUE will be refugees/subsidiary protection holders and asylum seekers recently arrived to Europe. Female migrants will be given special consideration, integrating a gender approach in the design and implementation of project’s products. Although the beneficiaries of the action are constituted by humanitarian migrants only, the project’s products will be applicable to other kinds of migrants as well.


The innovative feature of REVaLUE lies in the creation of 2 VET courses that put together the best characteristics of VET teaching methodologies (use of audio-visual teaching material, work-based training) with the needs and requirements of adult education (acquisition and strengthening of basic skills) all bound together with an effective language methodology (CLIL – Content and Language Integrated Learning). This innovative combination will make an exceptionally complete learning experience for the beneficiaries and will constitute an important example for future training development. The courses, moreover, will provide training for accessing well remunerated, medium/high-skills jobs in two sectors that are generally receptive to the participation of non-native workers, creating real opportunities for the beneficiaries to escape the low socio-economic cycle in which they often find themselves.

A second innovative aspect of project REVaLUE is that it creates a skills assessment tool designed to assess both informal and non-formal learning and the level of education attained in the home country. Informal and non-formal learning have to be properly assessed to determine the whole spectrum of competences and skills and to direct the person who is being assessed towards the most appropriate educational and professional pathways. However, especially in the case of humanitarian migrants, including innovative ways to assess formal learning is equally important, given that they usually lack certificates and proof of their previous studies. The tool will be designed to make it easier for refugees to describe their educational experience, and for service providers and job counsellors to assess their effective level of education.

Finally, project REVaLUE will not limit itself to the creation of a skills assessment tool, but it will build on that experience to create two other products:

– a CV certified by the project for all beneficiaries of the skills assessment process. To this end the REVaLUE CV will bear in the cover page a description of the project and the assessment process that led to the drafting of the CV.

– The report “Who migrates to Europe? Educational and professional profiles of refugees in EU countries”. The report will collect the assessing experience of the 5 countries in which the project is carried out, trying to draw a picture of refugees in terms of education and professional experience.



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@2016 by REVALUE PROJECT N° 2016-1-IT01-KA202-005445

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