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The Migrant Service Provider Curriculum Handbook aims to provide specific competences and knowledge to refugees and asylum-seekers who are interested in pursue a career, becoming operators for the support of other migrants. Thanks to an empowerment of their language and cultural skills, they will be able to become effective intercultural mediators and integration counsellors.


The MSP Handbook will be composed by a course plan, containing information on the course educational objectives, learning outcomes and methodologies, and by a didactic manual, containing the materials of the following 4 modules:


1) Immigration legislation and administrative procedures;

2) Orientative Information Techniques;

3) Service Management;

4) Principles of Customer Care.


In order to support teachers and trainers in presenting their materials in a classroom setting, we have prepared a set of slides and presentations that could be used for the delivery of the modules. The slides are in ppt, so each teacher will be able to customize them, integrating independently new contents in the template.



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@2016 by REVALUE PROJECT N° 2016-1-IT01-KA202-005445

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